Use Cases

Promote verifiable credential adoption through enabling trusted interactions between entities and individuals.

How chatbot-based customisable interactions can be utilised to provision services while maintaining integrity and control of data and resources.

Verifiable ID card issuance for Governments


Verifiable ID card issuance for Governments

Use our open source software to quickly enable issuance of Verifiable ID Cards to citizens. Eradicate identity fraud and theft in no time by generalizing secure remote identity verification in your country.

Make sure to scan this QR code with the Hologram App.

Non-repudiable five minute KYC for B2C companies


Non-repudiable five minute KYC for B2C companies

Authenticate your users and verify their identity in no time by comparing Verifiable Credential data with user biometrics using our open source software.

Make sure to scan this QR code with the Hologram App.

Build intelligent decentralized chatbots


Build intelligent decentralized chatbots

Build your own chatbots by embedding our open source software containers in your applications or services. Check this out with the AvatarID chatbot!

Make sure to scan this QR code with the Hologram App.

Proof of Humanity


Proof of Humanity

Restrict access to your services to human only by just let them flash a QR Code and present an AvatarID Verifiable Credential.

Make sure to scan this QR code with the Hologram App.

Contact Us

Whether you have a question, a suggestion, want to
collaborate, or just want to say hello, we’re all ears. You can use
the form on our website or send us your inquisitions. Looking
forward to hearing from you!



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